We are dedicated to showcasing experts in the industry dedicated to making a transformative difference in how food is grown and securing our food independence.
Farmer's Footprint
The beginning of Western Civilization coincided with the industrial revolution of the single innovation of the plow. Suddenly large swaths of soil could be turned over by a single farmer, allowing an individual to produce more food than their family would consume. The era of division of labor and specialization had begun.
That was 1100 years ago. Over the last hundred years we have seen the disruption lead to two catastrophic events for the fertile soils of the United States, both times with direct and rapid consequences on human health.
Farmer's Footprint
The beginning of Western Civilization coincided with the industrial revolution of the single innovation of the plow. Suddenly large swaths of soil could be turned over by a single farmer, allowing an individual to produce more food than their family would consume. The era of division of labor and specialization had begun.
That was 1100 years ago. Over the last hundred years we have seen the disruption lead to two catastrophic events for the fertile soils of the United States, both times with direct and rapid consequences on human health.